This is a first time for me reading Sandra Bard’s book; the premises intrigued me what's with the
accidental (pun intended) kidnapping and the mention of “magic”.
The story set in an unnamed city where magic was common and mages could be found everywhere. Daniel Everwood was the Glass Wizard asshole. A weird, cold and arrogant ass who lived in his glass Alaskan Tower. At least that's the front he presented to the world. What's hiding behind the Ice Prince persona was a lonely abused kid terrified and unprepared of his own magic. He never even wanted that magic in the first place and resented it even more when it caused him unable to touch anybody, family and friends included, without getting them hurt which was revealed as the story goes. Lucas Eren Berkeley,
Eren, was a drop out from a broken family, working as waiter at Royal Mall food court. He was those rare people immune to any magic. This trait drew Daniel attention to him which then turned into obsession that resulted in said kidnapping.
Although I didn’t usually go for kidnapping romance, I have soft spot for a character with dark brood personality. I cringed imagining how Daniel’s life must’ve been, living a totally solitary life and couldn’t EVER touch another living soul. I didn’t mind the flashbacks (as I thought it’s relevant to figure what and who Daniel Everwood was) although I’m not much fan of it too. What annoyed me were the interchangeable POVs with no certain patterns, such as altering POV every other chapter. Also, there’s a lack background of this world where these magic-able people lived. There were bursts of information from where little Daniel’s childhood conversation with his best friend Lucian revealed; the magical competitions, boarding school for gifted students. Or the mention of powerful Mage Enforcers from Daniel’s present live. I wished the author would have explored more on these, as I personally thought it’d bring more credence to the whole story.
The culmination was rather anticlimax to me. Though I could guess the ending, how it all played out was rather rushed. But if you enjoy enemies-turned-to-lovers with a bit of Stockholm syndrome effect in a magical world, you might like this book. But don’t hold your hopes up for smutty scenes. :D
Note: ARC was kindly provided by Less Than Three Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.