2.5 stars
Were all lawyers as gloom doom as Cory, I wonder. Granted, he had
"THE PAST" - ya know, the kind that messed with his head and left his heart scarred - but to be a successful attorney I assumed he had to have basic smoochy-skill, right? Only this successful lawyer from LA resembled a catatonic numb creature. OTOH, Rhys was so candid and upfront I couldn't help to admire his bravery. Or that he didn't get tired of hearing Cory's "I'm going back to LA soon" like a broken record!
They said opposite attracts, though for the live of me I could't get what so attracted Rhys to Cory. He's so damn surly, stand-off, and not nice at all. King of Gloom Doom! At least Cory described Rhys as the classic tall, dark, gorgeous type - but Cory??? No idea if he's homely or otherwise. This, to me, was the mystery!
As much intrigued as I wanted to be with this story, I just couldn't like it. The chemistry between MCs fell flat. And it was just... Meh.