1.5 stars
Huh. This was actually a sweet story with so much potential. Alas, it felt like chopped chapters and rushed plots. I mean: second chances and friends-to-lovers, people!
The gap between Jason despairing his might-be-dying condition to possibly-living after successful bone-marrow transplant was only bridged with
"Nine weeks later" before the new chapter began. So much could've happened in those nine weeks. Like the repatching the lost 15 years of friendship or more, perhaps?? Like how Jason gradually got better?? So much untold stories there!!
I was also as confused as Jason with Hunter's
"change of heart". After 15 years he couldn't just jump Jason's bones without so much explanation! There's also bloody lack of grovelling there...
...and Jason just accepted the not adequate excuses and jumping right back at Hunter's bones!
I liked a HEA in my reading, but I really wish this story been explored more.