3.5 stars
First off, I'm not familiar with Ms. Sorensen work. This is the only book of hers I read and it came very late in a series.
I actually like this book, with some notes!
- The title: why the heck the author couldn't give better title than
mere Seth & Greyson? Seriously, that's the best she'd come up with?
- I mentioned earlier that this is part of series. And I'm assuming some of the scenes happened pararelly with the other (books) in the series, which made the one here not went into detail. Which means, as a reader of this sole book, I missed on some of supporting characters' stories (namely Callie's, Kayden's, and Luke's).
- I'm not sure if Seth's past incident with Braiden were also told in previous books in the series. But I felt that it wasn't described clearly here. The same also went for Seth's relationship with his mother. I'm not sure of his family economy background too. I mean, for a boy who got tossed out of his home (for being gay) Seth still lived comfortably in campus (he still had his car, he could buy anything he wanted and even bought plane tickets that he ended up not using without much fuss! Why do I zero-in on that? I guess I'm stickler to stuff like that).
So, there were loopholes! Which rather disturbed my overall enjoyment reading this story.
There are some upsides too, though!!
- For a new adult book, I felt all characters were real and they acted their age. This I find very refreshing after a number of know-it-all-yet-still-rather-stupid YA/NA characters I read lately. ;-)
- I love the slow building romance between Seth and Greyson; the rather awkward meeting to gradually being friend then more. The sex/make-out scenes were not explicit (not that there were many! :p) even somewhat awkward.
- No over the top drama! I'm not sure if all the angst and drama were spent in the other books of the series. I'm just happy I didn't find many teary scenes here.
So overall, yes this is rather sedate and slow pace story. But no less enjoyable to read.