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Cronic Bookaholic

I read any kind of books but lately I'm reading more and more of M/M.

Currently reading

Medium, Sweet, Extra Shot of Geek
R. Cooper
Lessons for Survivors
Charlie Cochrane
The Sense of an Ending
Julian Barnes
The Road Home
Michael Thomas Ford
Where There's Smoke
L.A. Witt
Mind Fuck
Manna Francis
Crimson Spell, Volume 3
Ayano Yamane
Call Me by Your Name
André Aciman
Neil Gaiman
Tea and Crumpet
Jay Rookwood, Lisa Worrall, Josephine Myles, Alex Beecroft

Caught! (The Shamwell Tales)

Caught! (The Shamwell Tales) - J.L. Merrow That was a fun read. Ms. Merrow never fail to entertain me with her quirky witty cute clash with hawt Brits characters. Not too much angst and pretty down to earth story.

Robert Emeny (Mr. Enemy to his young seven year old 2E pupils) moved to Shamwell to escape from the supposed scandal and failed relationship. He met and got attracted to Sean, uncle of his twins devil of pupils *I'm saying that with fondness*